Burnley General Hospital security worker Lynn Cropper is cropping her hair in support of her best friend.

Lynn Cropper (s)Lynn Cropper (s)
Lynn Cropper (s)
Crop for Lynn in support of best pal

Lynn (52) is taking part in the Brave the Shave - a Macmillan Cancer Support fund-raiser which involves shaving off your hair - after one of her best friends, Sonia Varnavas, was diagnosed with breast cancer.

Sonia (35) used to work at Burnley General Hospital with Lynn and is now a nurse at The Royal Blackburn.

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“Cancer has touched a lot of my family,” said mother-of-four and grandmother-of-five Lynn.

“My mum was diagnosed with breast cancer nearly 12 months ago, my cousin is terminal, my auntie died of cancer and now Sonia.

“I have known many friends and acquaintances in recent years who have survived and some who have not.

“The MacMillan Cancer Support organisation is fantastic, they do a brilliant job but rely on funding.

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“So to support my friend Sonia who is losing her hair after chemotherapy, I am going to have mine shaved off - after all my hair will grow back.

“I am nervous as I can tie it back at the moment and I wonder what I will look like bald but what is losing a bit of hair compared to this terrible disease?

“I will also be donating my hair to the Little Princess Trust which will be used to make hair pieces and wigs for those that will wear them.”

Lynn is having her hair shaved at home on September 3rd by one of her cousins, who is a barber, and is aiming to raise £500.

Anyone wanting to sponsor Lynn go to https://bravetheshave.org.uk/shavers/lynn-cropper/.