Thief stole clothes worth £100

Burnley Magistrates' CourtBurnley Magistrates' Court
Burnley Magistrates' Court
A thief who stole clothing from Burnley Next store could not recall the incident, a court heard.

Tanya Rachael Jenney, (28), was seen leaving the shop with a full bag. CCTV was checked and showed her handing some items to a woman with a pram. Jenneys claimed she had never been aware of anybody with a pram.

The defendant, who took five items of ladies’ clothing and baby clothes, together worth £100, had been having a bad time and had relapsed into using drugs, Burnley magistrates were told.

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Jenneys, of Pheasantford Green, Burnley, admitted theft from a shop on February 8th. She was ordered to pay £100 compensation.

Mr Mark Williams, defending Jenneys, told the hearing: “She didn’t specifically recall the incident. She couldn’t really remember what had gone on.”

The solicitor said: "She is now in receipt of a regular prescription for methadone from Inspire.”