Thug broke man's nose outside Burnley bar

Burnley Magistrates' CourtBurnley Magistrates' Court
Burnley Magistrates' Court
A 22-year-old man who broke his victim's nose in a one-punch attack could end up behind bars.

Burnley magistrates heard how Jake Biriny was caught on CCTV inflicting the violence outside the Bees Knees in the town on July 28th. Victim Luke Hartley fell immediately to the ground when he was hit by the defendant.

Mrs Tracy Yates (prosecuting) told the court: "The defendant has a number of previous convictions that are drink-related and one previous assault matter."

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Mr Daniel Frazer (defending) said: "It's a one-punch assault. They are as dangerous as a 10-punch assault. There are issues in relation to alcohol."

Biriny, of Raglan Road, Burnley, admitted assault causing actual bodily harm. He was unconditionally bailed and will be sentenced on September 25th.