Not impressed by praise from Prime Minister

Prime Minister David Cameron. Photo: PA WirePrime Minister David Cameron. Photo: PA Wire
Prime Minister David Cameron. Photo: PA Wire
Is it something in the water at Westminster? But our MP seems to have taken leave of his senses if he thinks the people of Burnley are impressed by the fact he was praised by a Conservative Prime Minister. a pat on the back from a Tory Toff and our Gordon doffs his cap and says “Thank you very much sir.”

I am not at all surprised by David Cameron’s action; after all Gordon Birtwistle has personally voted for the tripling of student tuition fees, privatisation of the NHS, the bedroom tax and massive cuts to Burnley Council’s budget.

Not only is he a bankrupt businessman, as pointed out by Harry Brooke’s in last week’s Express, he is a bankrupt politician.

Laurence Embley
